Crazy Facts About Human Ears That You Didn't Know Before.

Image result for ears images human
Human Ears
Interesting Facts About Human Ears

1.Ears Help To Maintain Balance In Human Body.

Ears are very essential to maintain balance in human body . If you have ever heard about the ear infection then you know very well . They contains fluid that helps to maintain balance.When this fluid moves it gives signals to brain and how to compensate with your balance.

2.Ears Contain Smallest Bone In The Human Body.

Ears contain very smallest bone that are found in our body. Actually they are divided into three class.These bones are referred are 'ossicles'.These bones catch sounds from the air and send the signal to the brain.The process of transmitting the sound is really an amazing system.

3.Ears Clean Themselves.

The earwax found in human body is a mixture of oil, sweat and number of dead skin cells.The earwax is so sticky that it traps all the dust and debris from the world and protect our ears.

4.Ears Works Day And Night Even While Sleeping.

Even while sleeping our Ears continues to process the sound and meanwhile sends signal to the brain but the reaction of the brain is different depending upon the stage of sleep you are in.When you are at the deeper stage of sleep the brain tune the normal sound but when there is a loud noise the brain react to that noise and awake you.But when you are at lighter stage of sleep the brain reacts to that normal noise and awake you.

5.Human Ears Can Influence Taste.

Ears do not play a major in sensing the taste the way your sense of smell do.The nerves passes through the middle ear enroute from your tongue to the brain, the ear can influence taste. The people who have ear infections or their ears are damaged they complain that their sense of taste has been changed.

6.The Shape Of The Eardrums Are Cone-Shaped.

Most people think that their eardrums are flat , skinny instead of that they are thin , cone shaped between the outer and middle ear and are closed in size. The sizes don't change overtime- adults and babies have the same shape of eardrums over life.
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Structure Of Human Ear.

7.Headphones Can Damage Our Ears.

Recent research has found out that wearing headphones or air pods for a longer period of time can easily damage or infect our ears . The headphones blocks the air from going into the ears and makes it itchy and develop a ear infection easily.

8.Always Avoid Hairsprays.

Always try to say no to hairsprays because your ears are much closer to your hair when the hairspray is applied more times it can easily acquire the ear causing the earwax to get jammed.

9.You Get New Ear Every Year.

The skin of the ear canal grows at 1.3 inches per year!.If it didn't drop out then you are going to have two foot cord hanging out of your ear by the age of 18!.

10.Your Sense Of Hear Is Bases Upon Your Tiny Hairs.

Ears contain small tiny hairs that are responsible for hearing if you have more tiny hairs then you have more powerful sense of hearing but if you have less tiny hairs you may lose your hearing.

11. Pressure Is Maintained By Ears!

Have you ever feel that when you are up high at mountains you feel strange feeling or even get deaf, that's because the Eustachian tube fails to maintain pressure that results in discomfort , dizziness or ear pain etc.

12.Different People Have Different Wax.

Americans , Indians And Asians have a flaky and dry earwax whereas Africans and Caucasians have mostly moist brown earwax isn't it crazy.

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Sketch Of Human Ear

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