Top 10 Interesting Facts About Dogs
Top 10 Interesting Facts About Dog Are-
- Dogs Can Hear Sounds 4 Times as Humans Beings.
Born puppies may be deaf but as they grow they quickly beat our hearing abilities. Dogs can also hear high pitched sounds,detecting a frequency range from 67 to 45,000 hertz (cycles per second ). The human range is from 64 to 23,000 hertz.In both the humans and dogs the upper end of hearing age decreases with age over time.
- Your Dog Can Easily Find Out Your Feelings.
Your puppy can identify your feelings with your body scent that you are feeling nervous or happy. It is also likely to say that they can find out certain diseases.
- Dogs Whiskers (Hairs) Help Them To See In Night .
It is not a dog's superpower or night vision.Their whiskers help them to find out even minute changes in the air,providing the dog information about size , shape and speed of things nearby.This help the dog in identifying any approaching prey even at night.
- Dogs Have Three Eyelids.
Dogs have three eyelids and the third eyelid is known as nictitating membrane and is for extra protection.If you have ever watched your dog sleeping you have noticed that eyelid makes it look as though your dog eyelid are rolling back in his head.
- The First Mammal To Orbit Earth Was A Stray Dog.
The Russian stray dog called Laika was the first mammal to orbit Earth although her journey ended tragically she is remembered today as a hero.
- Dogs Urine Kills Grass.
The nitrogen found in dog's urine causes lawn burns and fertilised yards have to suffer more because of their higher than usual nitrogen levels.
- Dogs Can Tell When We Are Lying
This is a fun fact about dog that they can find out whether a person is lying or not . From the recent researches it is found that dogs make direct inferences from our behaviours and that learn not to trust unreliable people.
- The Oldest Dog Lived For 29 Years .
The oldest lived dog was an Australian Cattle Dog named Bluey who lived for 29 years old.
- Petting A Dog Can Lower Our Blood Pressue
Recent Researches have found that talking , petting and go for walking with them can lower our blood pressure
- Dogs Snore More Than Cats
Does your dog sleeps too much . If so you are not alone. An estimated of 21% of dogs snore as compared to 7%of cats.
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